Momentum Stock Price Pattern Recognition

It’s a real mouthful, so we’ve called it WaveTek.

AI-First Price Processing

Match previously seen patterns. Predict what the current OHLC points will be as Top-Of-the-Book orders are processed. Infer what the next minute price could be. Real-time Inference of any IEX stock data. And it is completely Free!

Improve your trading algorithm

Tired of using Technical Analysis or other traditional approaches? Our AI-only API allows you to adjust your positions, open or close trades real time. Simply connect through a web-socket and consume data.

Accurate and Fast

Our Deep Learning pattern recognition is light-years ahead of any TA or EA indicator you’ve ever used:

  • R2 Score 99.54% for price pattern reconstruction

  • R2 Score 99.44% for next minute OHLC inference

  • F1 Score 75.09% inference on next minute direction

Auto-completes OHLC data on a sub-minute time-frame. You choose the ticker and we feed the meta-data via web-socket.

Sign-up for API access

We’ll be releasing access to our API very soon. This is free for anyone to use. No PayPal, no Credit Card, no hidden costs.

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